Welcome to my portfolio!
As an Associate Systems Analyst at VISA Inc, I am responsible of leveraging a monitoring tool called Supervision to ensure the optimal health, logging, and performance of our z/16 Mainframe Transaction Processors. I collaborate with cross-functional teams to execute weekly maintenance, load programs, and orchestrate communication with vendors for strategic hardware replacements and upgrades. Overtime my role has extended to developing, managing, updating, debugging, and deploying automation utilities using Windows PowerShell and a Mainframe scripting language called REXX. Beyond working as a Associate Systems Analyst at VISA, I am proficient in other programming languages such as Python, SQL, HTLM, CSS, and have experience leveraging AWS services like IAM, EC2, S3, Elastic Beanstalk, VPC, and Cloud Formation for personal web app projects, bringing a versatile skill set and strategic problem solving.
- This website you're currently exploring was one of my most enjoyable projects.
- Developed with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it utilizes AWS S3, a serverless storage service that contains
static website hosting capabilities.
- Applied Route53 to map my domain name to my CloudFront distribution
so users can access this website end to end with reduced latency by accessing the cache from my web portfolio
instead if directly accessing the data from my S3 bucket.
- Ensured secure browsing by redirecting traffic from
HTTP to HTTPS using an SSL certificate from AWS Certificate Manager.
- Lastly, I applied a bucket policy which
allows the objects from my S3 bucket to be accessiable by my CloudFront distribution.
- Established a VPC environment on AWS, incorporating public and private subnets, and configured route tables to facilitate a dynamic WordPress application.
- Utilized AWS IAM policies to ensure secure access control, including policies for EC2 instances, RDS databases, and other resources.
- Deployed EC2 instance web servers, NAT Gateways, and an RDS database to provide the foundational infrastructure for the application.
- Implemented an Application Load Balancer (ALB) and Auto Scaling group to optimize performance and ensure scalability as demand fluctuates.
- Employed AWS CloudWatch for monitoring and AWS CloudTrail for auditing, enhancing visibility and ensuring compliance with security policies.